by moxie | Feb 7, 2020 | Action, Adventure, comedy, drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, suspense
Studio: CBS Cross-Posted: Reviewed by Jay Andrews Tracy Spoilers exist in the future too! Star Trek: Picard is one of CBS’s new Star Trek shows, the other being the controversial Discovery. This new show seems, so far, a lot more interesting then...
by moxie | Jun 11, 2019 | comedy, Documentary, drama, Movies, Music, Romance
Released by: Netflix Reviewed by: Jay Andrews Tracy ‘The Dirt’, it seems like there is going to be a trend of movies based on musicians these days, with the release of Queen follows this movie. This movie is about Motley Crew, Nikki Six, and how the group was...
by moxie | Mar 7, 2019 | Action, comedy, drama, Movies, suspense
Reviewed by Jay Andrews Tracy Director: Doug Liman Studio: Imagine Entertainment MPAA Rating: R Review Rating: 4 out of 5 ‘American Made’ is a movie that resides in the 80s. A TWA pilot named Barry Seal (Tom Cruise) flies the plane and smuggles Cuban cigars on...
by moxie | Nov 14, 2018 | comedy, drama, horror, Independent, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 2 out of 5 Review by Jay Andrews-Tracy ‘President Evil’. Where do I begin on this movie? It was absolutely horrible. David (Ryan Quinn Adams), the known serial killer, escapes from prison to start killing people who resemble different races. This movie...
by moxie | Nov 3, 2018 | Action, drama, horror, Independent, Movies, Sci-Fi
Directed/Written by: Jeremy Wechter Reviewed by: Jay Andrews-Tracy “Gamma, tell me the story of the cursed trunk!” ‘E-Demon’ is a horror film, it’s a pretty good idea. It is about a group of people Kendra Deidrick (Julia Kelly), Dwayne Booker (John Anthony Wylliams)...