by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Action, Adventure, Book-based Movie, comedy, drama, Experimental, Fantasy, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7 out of 10 Spoilers guard the Dark Tower too! To begin, Jake (Tom Taylor) is a kind-of-sort-of-not-really ordinary boy with just one or two problems, like oh, nightmares when New York suffers earthquakes, which is a little too often for it to be...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Adventure, comedy, drama, Fantasy, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 6 Dale Denton and his drug dealer pal Saul Silver go on a hideout adventure after Dale witnesses a murder while high on weed. I knew I shouldn’t have watched this movie, and yet for some reason I did anyway. I knew, after having seen trailer after...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, Comics, drama, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7 Ace pilot and bad boy Hal Jordan is the first human selected to join the Green Lantern corp, an organization of all aliens dedicated to serving justice in the galaxy! I had high hopes, I really did. And while they weren’t entirely dashed, they...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, Adventure, drama, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7.5 out of 10 Spoilers for every day of the week! So in the future that bad ol’ genetic monkeying with things has caused the worlds crops to flourish, true, but it also apparently caused a population boom once those enhanced crops were consumed. Next...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, comedy, drama, Foreign, horror, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 6.5 A trio of art students are lured to a Slovakian Hostel that specializes in procuring murder victims for a wealthy clientele. The sequel is actually much better than the first Hostel for one particular reason: the films sheer level of ridiculousness....