by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, drama, Fantasy, horror, Movies, Romance, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 8 A gang of Scooby-like friends get together for a weekend break in a cabin in the woods, only to discover seriously strange things happening when they try to leave, and are forced to stay and discover the secrets of The Cabin in the Woods! Sometimes,...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, Adventure, drama, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7.5 out of 10 Spoilers for every day of the week! So in the future that bad ol’ genetic monkeying with things has caused the worlds crops to flourish, true, but it also apparently caused a population boom once those enhanced crops were consumed. Next...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, comedy, drama, horror, Independent, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 7 There’s no real point to an introductory paragraph for this movie, so like Rob Zombie and his singular movie-making style, we’re just gonna dive right into this. No mercy, no pity, and no escape, we’re falling headlong into another Zombie world....
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, comedy, drama, Experimental, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 5 Warning! Spoiler Review! The first R rated film from Director Shyamalan, about a crisis to humanity on an undreamt-of scale. Okay. We’ve seen the previews, where scores of people ‘fall’ off building construction in New York, and a woman on a park...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, drama, Foreign, horror, Movies, Romance, suspense
Review Rating: 6.5 A newlywed couple find themselves dealing with an unplanned pregnancy with sinister overtones. I would swear I’ve mentioned here before, that I generally despise Found Footage Horror flicks. Despite knowing that, I had some hope for Devil’s Due,...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, comedy, drama, Foreign, horror, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 6.5 A trio of art students are lured to a Slovakian Hostel that specializes in procuring murder victims for a wealthy clientele. The sequel is actually much better than the first Hostel for one particular reason: the films sheer level of ridiculousness....