by moviemoxie | Mar 4, 2022 | Action, drama, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7 To preserve the past and encourage the future to be saved, John Connor, Kyle Reese, and newcomer Marcus Wright gather the last stragglers of humanity in a desperate fight against the machines controlled by the supercomputer Skynet! Okay, in all...
by moviemoxie | Mar 4, 2022 | Action, Adventure, drama, Fantasy, Historical, horror, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 7 Edgar Allen Poe teams up with a Baltimore Maryland Police Detective to solve a series of murders based on Poe’s writings! Remember in school, when Poe’s stories were required reading? Some of us actually enjoyed them. Edgar Allen Poe the man was...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, drama, Foreign, Historical, horror, Romance, suspense, TV Reviews
A quick recap of time and location: when we are seems to be approximately the late 1700’s, and where seems to jump around, but focus mostly on Fort James in Canada. The Fort is the main route for the massive fur trade going on ‘round these parts, and that trade is the...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Adventure, comedy, drama, Fantasy, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 6 Dale Denton and his drug dealer pal Saul Silver go on a hideout adventure after Dale witnesses a murder while high on weed. I knew I shouldn’t have watched this movie, and yet for some reason I did anyway. I knew, after having seen trailer after...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, comedy, drama, Experimental, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 5 Warning! Spoiler Review! The first R rated film from Director Shyamalan, about a crisis to humanity on an undreamt-of scale. Okay. We’ve seen the previews, where scores of people ‘fall’ off building construction in New York, and a woman on a park...