Repo Men

Repo Men

Reviewed by Alicia Glass Rating: 7 Replacement Hearts In a not-too-distant future where replacement organs can be bought (and repossessed) on credit, one of the finest Repo Men tries to go straight after an accident lands him in debt with a replacement heart. Now, I...
Black Swan

Black Swan

Reviewed by Alicia Glass Rating: 9 Swan Feathers When she is chosen to play the lead role of the Black and White Swan inside a big budget ballet company, Nina goes on a dark journey of destructive self-discovery. That was amazing. I knew when I saw The Fountain that...


Reviewed by: Jay Andrews Tracy My Review Rating: 3 ½ out of 5 Spoilers live in every family! Hereditary is a movie about an ordinary family that lives in the backwoods of Utah. You will see the movie start out with a miniature of a house that is an exact copy of the...