by moxie | Apr 13, 2023 | Action, Adventure, Anime, comedy, drama, Fantasy, Foreign
Reviewed by Alicia Glass Tsuyoshi Mukouda finds himself transported to an alternate fantasy world where his only skill is “Food Menu”! Crunchyroll has been inundated lately with all manner of isekai or alternate fantasy world anime, and each one tries to have...
by moviemoxie | Mar 7, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, drama, Events, Fantasy, Foreign, Historical, Movies, Romance
Reviewed by Alicia Glass Review Rating: 8 A samurai from the Edo time period of Japan time travels to modern day Tokyo and affects the lives of a single mother and her son! It’s an adorable, funny, and wonderfully poignant film. Taking a Samurai and tossing him into...
by moviemoxie | Mar 4, 2022 | Action, comedy, drama, Events, Foreign, Movies
Reviewed by Alicia Glass A story of the variances of life, love, cooking and it’s consequences, all wrapped around a contest of “Bandoh”, the traditional Taiwanese outdoor banquet! So some time ago, Grandmasters of the “Bandoh” tradition existed, and Master Fly Spirit...