by moviemoxie | Mar 18, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, Comics, drama, Fantasy, Historical, horror, Movies, Romance, Sci-Fi, suspense
Reviewed by Alicia Glass Review Rating: 8 Set in an alternate world where it’s 1985 and costumed superheroes have been a way of life, only to be shut down by the government. The Doomsday Clock is counting down to nuclear war, and when someone begins picking off the...
by moviemoxie | Feb 25, 2022 | Action, Adventure, drama, Experimental, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7.5 out of 10 Spoilers grow in all places and things! Imagine for a moment, you’re a military spouse. No kids thank goodness, but hey, your other half went freaking missing on a super-secret expedition nearly a year ago, and just now managed to show...