by moviemoxie | Mar 25, 2022 | Action, Documentary, drama, Events, Foreign, Historical, horror, Movies
Reviewed by Alicia Glass Rating: 6.5/10 The story of the files kept on suspected “government subversives” by the Puerto Rico police department in the late 1980’s and how they affected the lives of the people, then and now. Frankly, I was disappointed. I read the...
by moviemoxie | Mar 25, 2022 | drama, Events, Historical, horror, Independent, Movies, suspense
Reviewed by Alicia Glass Rating: 7.5 A son returns to the antiques-filled estate of his estranged mother after her death, only to discover she might not be quite so gone, after all. There seems to be a trend cropping back up in the Indie Horror film circuit, that of...
by moviemoxie | Mar 17, 2022 | Action, drama, horror, Movies, suspense
Reviewed by Alicia Glass Review Rating: 6.5 News journalists from Vice magazine travel to an undisclosed location to take a look at the newfound life of the recovering-drug addict sister of one of them, at a place called Eden Parish, overseen by the charismatic man...
by moviemoxie | Mar 4, 2022 | Action, comedy, drama, Events, Foreign, Movies
Reviewed by Alicia Glass A story of the variances of life, love, cooking and it’s consequences, all wrapped around a contest of “Bandoh”, the traditional Taiwanese outdoor banquet! So some time ago, Grandmasters of the “Bandoh” tradition existed, and Master Fly Spirit...
by moviemoxie | Feb 23, 2022 | Adventure, comedy, drama, Events, Foreign, Movies, Romance
Review Rating: 7 A pregnant Mistress travels to Seattle to have her baby in secret, only to learn life lessons of humility and kindness, when her world of leisure and money begins to fall apart! It’s a little hard for an American like me to understand, but first it...