Sony Pictures presents Planet 51

Hey, that's MY planet!

Reviewed by: Alicia Glass
Published on: March 23, 2022 (URL is not
Available on: Netflix
Content release date: 2009-11-20

Reviewed by Alicia Glass

Review Rating: 7

Captain Chuck Baker manages to land on the previously-though uninhabited Planet 51, where it turns out there’s already a thriving population of aliens (stuck in 60’s-style America-land) who want nothing to do with being invaded!

It’s a very cute movie and has many moments of 30-something adult-laced humor, including a pet dog out of the Aliens Giger alien, the rain of real rocks, and the many many references to 60’s-style life with cheerful green folk. Captain Chuck is voiced by the redoubtable Dewayne Johnson, whom we all know better as The Rock, and actually manages to make the voice match the face. (It is, after all, a CGI movie like Ice Age.) Gary Oldman lends the dramatic drawl to General Grawl, the main guy trying to get Captain Chuck captured and dissected. Various green-skinned friends who help Captain Chuck find his spaceship in time include: Jessica Biel, Justin Long, Sean William Scott and John Cleese! The soundtrack is pretty great too, but it certainly helps if you’re a fan of movies like Grease first.

An adorable little parody fling of a good time, Planet 51 is a great way to waste an afternoon.