Reviewed by: Alicia Glass
Published on: November 14, 2018
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Review Rating: 2 out of 5

Review by Jay Andrews-Tracy

‘President Evil’. Where do I begin on this movie? It was absolutely horrible. David (Ryan Quinn Adams), the known serial killer, escapes from prison to start killing people who resemble different races. This movie is made up of a ton of political gestures, and rants. Most notable are Muslims and Mexicans, with a reference to building that eternal wall.

David is dressed up in a mask that is similar looks to the 45th President, Donald J. Trump. He is very upset about his parents, and holds an American Flag knife, that he uses to do the killings with. He is so bad at killing, that when he finally gets to the victims the technically could have ran away from him a few times but they didn’t, instead they stayed.

I think this movie could have been better than what it was. I think they were trying to go for a political horror type of movie. I don’t know what was funny about it to be honest, but it was worth an attempt anyways.

The movie is written by Richard Lowry and Gregory P. Wolk. Richard Lowry has apparently written and directed a slew of movies that I have never heard of before and started in the 80’s doing so. I think this movie should be re-created and given another shot. Somehow on Internet Movie Database, it got a 8.3 out of 10, I think that is just because there was not that many views since this is a new release.