Grimm Season 1

How well do you know your Wesen?

Reviewed by: Alicia Glass
Published on: February 28, 2022 (URL is not
Available on:, Netflix
Content release date: 2011-10-28

Website: GrimmWiki

Review Rating: 8

Homicide detective Nick Burkhardt discovers his heritage of the Grimm bloodline, ancient peace-keepers between humanity and the supernaturals of the world!

So Nick’s Aunt is sick and dying, and comes to tell Nick about his family heritage, bringing a whole arsenal of knowledge and family weapons in a trailer for him. As soon as she does die, Nick dives headlong into the world of the Wesen, which is what they call the Supernatural crowd here in Oregon. Matter of fact, they have different names for all the Supes in these parts, and there are a lot of them – werewolves, ratkin, lizardmen, avians and many more, all get unpronounceable names like Hesslichen that Grimm nevertheless adheres to faithfully. Nick does his best to juggle his girlfriend Juliette, who isn’t aware of his double life and it drives Nick insane to try and keep it that way; his partner at the station, Detective Griffin, who almost had his heart literally eaten by what I gather to be a witch-monster called a Hexen; and a police chief that we the audience know is involved in the Wessen world in one form or another, that Nick doesn’t know about. Yet. In somewhat later episodes, reformed Blutbad (Werewolf) Monroe ends up helping Nick, and is now starting to aid him in the cause of turning over Wesen to the Grimm side.

It really is a fantastic series. The writing is top notch, fairy tales are made monster stories in reality and vice versa, and because they’re (at least in the storyline) in Oregon, there’s no need for sets or a whole lot in the way of CGI. When these Wessen encounter the Grimm, almost inevitably they have a fear reaction and their face will shift to whatever creature they happen to actually be. You’d think it would be a somewhat cheap way to indicate monsters without makeup, but somehow the writing just makes it work. The writers love their Grimm fairy tales, but give them a modern-day twist and believeability all their own. The Brothers Grimm fairy tales, the real ones not the sugar-coated version, were actually very dark and so fits modern television quite well. Every episode, laced with the CSI-like qualities of the police force solving murder mysteries, combined with the acceptance of this only slightly hidden supernatural world, is a triumph. Seriously, go watch it!

How many Wesen can you recognize on Grimm Season, on Netflix now!