by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Action, Adventure, Book-based Movie, comedy, drama, Experimental, Fantasy, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7 out of 10 Spoilers guard the Dark Tower too! To begin, Jake (Tom Taylor) is a kind-of-sort-of-not-really ordinary boy with just one or two problems, like oh, nightmares when New York suffers earthquakes, which is a little too often for it to be...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Action, Adventure, Book-based Movie, comedy, drama, Fantasy, horror, Movies, Romance, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 8 out of 10 Spoilers hide in the sewers too! Before launching into diatribes about the old versus the new, it behooves us to have a review for the actual movie, so we’re doing that first. We’re all more or less familiar with the story by now – a group...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, drama, Fantasy, horror, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 8 Self-Sweeping Brooms To stop Witch Morgana from being released from her thousand-year-old prison, Balthasar Blake gets himself a sorcerer’s apprentice in modern day Manhattan. This will be an oddly flipped review, simply because of one thing: unlike...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Adventure, comedy, drama, Fantasy, Movies, suspense
Review Rating: 6 Dale Denton and his drug dealer pal Saul Silver go on a hideout adventure after Dale witnesses a murder while high on weed. I knew I shouldn’t have watched this movie, and yet for some reason I did anyway. I knew, after having seen trailer after...
by moviemoxie | Mar 2, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, Comics, drama, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 7 Ace pilot and bad boy Hal Jordan is the first human selected to join the Green Lantern corp, an organization of all aliens dedicated to serving justice in the galaxy! I had high hopes, I really did. And while they weren’t entirely dashed, they...
by moviemoxie | Mar 1, 2022 | Action, Adventure, comedy, drama, Experimental, horror, Movies, Sci-Fi, suspense
Review Rating: 8 The UK has been completely overrun by persons infected with a virus called Rage, that turns normal people into zombies with a taste for flesh and blood, and the outbreak in London causes the evacuation of Britain that leads to our Protag waking up, as...